Thursday, February 13, 2014



Too much stress, poor dietary habits, harmful environmental toxins, viral infections, certain medications and frequent use of antibiotics are not good for your digestive system. Digestion, one the vital processes of the body, needs extra care.

Proper intake of water coupled with a balanced diet can go a long way to promote healthy digestion. It is highly advisable to choose your food properly to reduce bloating, belching, abdominal discomfort, or any other symptoms of an overburdened digestive system. There are many foods that aid digestion and will keep your stomach happy.


1. Ginger

Ginger can effectively treat various gastrointestinal (GI) discomforts. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties in ginger can curb digestive spasms, gas, indigestion, nausea and bloating.
Simmer a few slices of ginger in boiling water to make ginger tea. Drink it regularly. This strong tea helps stimulate saliva, bile and gastric juice production to aid digestion.
You can also extract the juice of a small piece of ginger and take it with a spoon of honey before meals to improve your digestion.

2. Peppermint

This popular herb is known to work wonders in aiding digestive processes due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The cooling properties that peppermint possesses can calm an upset digestive system and accelerate healing.
Sprinkle some fresh peppermint leaves over your dishes or add it to your salads.
You can also add a drop or two of peppermint oil to a glass of water and drink it once or twice daily. This essential oil works as a cleanser, purifier, and detoxifier.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the best foods for improving digestive health. It is a probiotic food, meaning that it contains a high amount of ‘good’ bacteria (lactobacilli) that plays a key role in the digestion process and reduces problems like indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation.

When buying yogurt, make sure the label lists “live” or “active” cultures. Yogurts with added fiber are even better. Try to eat plain, unsweetened yogurt and, if you like you can add some fiber-rich berries or honey to sweeten it.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes eaten with the skins on will have an immense effect on your digestive health. They also contain good amounts of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins B6 and C, and manganese that help in digestion. Sweet potatoes can be used to treat peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers and some other serious and inflammatory bowel problems.

Sweet potatoes are also easy to digest because they are mainly starch. According to recent research, as the cyanidins and peonidins and other color-related phytonutrients present in sweet potatoes pass through the digestive tract, they help lower the potential health risk posed by heavy metals and oxygen radicals.

5. Avocados

This tasty fruit is loaded with fiber, and contains healthy monounsaturated fats that make it easy to digest, even by toddlers. Avocados also help maintain a healthy digestive tract and proper functioning of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder.

It also helps convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, which in turn helps in developing a healthy mucosal lining throughout the GI tract. Also, the good amount of nutrients and high water content in avocados make it one of the best fruits for weight loss.

6. Oats

Oats support healthy digestion due to the high fiber content. The fiber in oats scrubs through the intestines, moving food along to maintain bowel regularity and prevent constipation.

Oats also help reduce symptoms like heartburn associated with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Also, oats are rich in selenium, thiamin, phosphorus, copper, vitamin E and zinc, which are good for your body overall.

If you have a digestive disorder, including oats in your diet is important for improving your condition. You can try oat flour, oatmeal, and oatmeal cookies to improve your digestion.

7. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is one of the best ingredients for improving digestive health. High in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids along with fat-soluble vitamins A and D, cod liver oil helps fight inflammation and build the immune system, which in turn restores digestive health.

Also, the presence of these nutrients prevents various digestive problems from developing in the GI tract. Cod liver oil is highly effective for those with inflammatory bowel disease. Consuming even a small amount of cod liver oil, less than a teaspoon, on a daily basis can make a huge difference in your digestive system’s health.

8. Apples
Apples are an excellent choice for those experiencing trouble with bowel movements. Apples have both soluble and insoluble fiber. When eaten with the skin on, apples are a good source of insoluble fiber known as cellulose. This fiber adds bulk to the stool, which helps relieve constipation and keep things moving quickly through your digestive system.

In addition, apples are rich in vitamins A and C, minerals, potassium and phosphorous that offer various benefits like reducing constipation problems and improving satiety. The soluble fiber called pectin in apples can slow down digestion by attracting water and forming a gel, which also will help you feel fuller for longer.

9. Bananas

Bananas play a key role in the proper functioning of bowel movements. Bananas are highly recommended for those suffering from diarrhea, as it helps restore electrolytes and potassium that are lost when experiencing diarrhea.

They are also high in fiber, which helps the digestion process by absorbing toxins, bulking up stool matter and stimulating bowel movements.

In addition, the protein in bananas helps repair and maintain digestive tract tissue and slows the digestion of carbohydrates, a primary source of energy for the body. Have one banana daily to enjoy its health benefits.

10. Beetroot

Beetroots are excellent for overall digestive health. Beetroots are rich in betaine, which helps increase stomach acidity to control bacteria and yeast in the system, prevent food intolerances and reduce bloating.

Besides, beetroots are rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium, which help maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent problems like constipation and stomach aches. You can eat beetroot in raw or juice form to enjoy its health benefits.

If you want to build and maintain a healthy digestive system, simply include some of these foods in your diet. You will surely notice a difference. If you have a problem that does not improve with these remedies, consult your doctor.



A healthy kidney is as important as a healthy heart. Kidneys filter out the waste and extra water, and remove harmful toxins from the body in the form of urine. In addition, kidneys help maintain a balance of electrolytes and other fluids in your body.

Kidney problems can cause difficulty urinating, puffiness around the eyes, and swollen feet and hands. A person who has kidney problems is also at higher risk of developing heart disease.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, more than 26 million adults in America suffer from some kind of kidney disease.

Eating the right foods help organs, including your kidneys, function properly. Certain some foods rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin C promote kidney health.

Antioxidants can help slow or stop the rate of oxidation caused by free radicals, which is one of the main causes of kidney problems.


1. Cabbage

Cabbage improves kidney functioning and is most commonly used as a natural medicine to repair and nourish the kidneys. It is an essential food for anyone suffering from kidney problems.

Cabbage is packed with phytochemicals that help break up free radicals before they can do damage. Also, it is high in vitamins B6, C and K, along with fiber and folic acid. Low in potassium, cabbage makes a great addition to a dialysis diet. You can enjoy this vegetable steamed or boiled.

2. Berries

Being excellent sources of manganese, vitamin C, fiber and folate, different types of berries like strawberries, cranberries, raspberries and blueberries are good for your kidneys. The antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties in these berries help reduce inflammation and improve bladder functioning.

You can choose fresh, frozen or dried berries and eat them raw or add them to your favorite cereal or smoothie to promote kidney health.

3. Fish

Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation in the body and hence protect the kidneys from various diseases. Also, fish is a good source of high quality protein.

According to a 2008 study published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, consumption of fish helps lower abnormal levels of protein in urine in people suffering from diabetics.

The types of fish that are best for the kidneys are salmon, rainbow trout, mackerel, herring and tuna. The American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association recommend having two to three servings of fish each week. You must eat steamed, baked or roasted fish instead of fried fish to reduce kidney problems.

4. Egg Whites

Egg whites are recommended for people with kidney disease due to their low phosphorous content and high quality protein. High quality protein contains an essential amino acid, which is necessary for the kidneys to function properly.

At the same time, when high quality protein is metabolized in the body it produces less waste product. You can use egg whites to make omelets or sandwiches or eat hard-boiled eggs without the yolk.

People with kidney problems should avoid eating egg yolks. High protein intake, too, is not recommended as it can cause extra burden on the kidneys.

5. Olive Oil

Olive oil is good for your heart as well as your kidneys. This oil is a great source of oleic acid, anti-inflammatory fatty acids that lower oxidation and promote kidney health. Also, it is rich in polyphenols and antioxidant compounds that prevent inflammation and oxidation.

Virgin and extra virgin olive oil contain higher amounts of antioxidants than regular olive oil, so use one of those to get the most health benefits. You can use olive oil to make salad dressing and in your everyday cooking. It’s also good for dipping bread or marinating fish or vegetables.

6. Garlic

Garlic has antioxidants and anti-clotting properties that can effectively reduce the chances of kidney disease as well as heart disease.

Eating one to two raw garlic cloves daily on an empty stomach can greatly reduce bad cholesterol levels and inflammation in the body.

It also protects the kidneys from the potentially harmful effects of heavy metals. You can use fresh, bottled, minced or powdered garlic in your dishes to add aroma and flavor as well as health benefits.

7. Onions

Onions are full of powerful antioxidants that help detoxify and cleanse the kidneys, thereby helping prevent many types of kidney-related health problems. Low in potassium, onions also contain chromium, a mineral that helps the body metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

They also have anti-inflammatory properties. Onions can be enjoyed raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. Eating raw onions can help treat kidney stones naturally.

8. Red Bell Peppers

Red bell peppers help break down toxic waste in the blood, and therefore contribute to kidney health. They are low in potassium and rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, folic acid and fiber.

When suffering from kidney problems, it is often advised to keep your potassium intake low because damaged kidneys may not be able to effectively filter potassium from your blood.

This tasty vegetable also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against certain types of cancers. You can include red bell peppers in your diet in raw, baked, roasted, cooked or stuffed form.

9. Cauliflower

This cruciferous vegetable is high in vitamin C and contains a good amount of folate and fiber. It also has compounds like indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates that help the liver neutralize toxic substances that can otherwise damage cell membranes and DNA.

When consumed on a regular basis, cauliflower can reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol levels due to its antioxidant and anticlotting properties.

Cauliflower can be eaten raw with dip or in salads. You can also try steamed, boiled, fried, roasted or baked cauliflower dishes. However, being high in purines that lead to the accumulation of uric acid, cauliflower may not be siutable for those suffering from gout and kidney stones.

10. Apples

Apples are good for detoxifying and cleansing the kidneys as they are high in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, apples help prevent urinary tract infections and thus may help reduce the risk of kidney stones.

At the same time, apples are great for reducing cholesterol, protecting against heart problems, decreasing your risk of cancer and helping prevent constipation.

Have an apple each day to keep your kidneys functioning properly. You can enjoy this crunchy and juicy fruit raw, in baked desserts, or as applesauce or juice.

According to a research published in the Journal of the American Society Nephrology, a healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products and whole grains, and low in salt, red meat, processed meat and sweetened beverages can help prevent kidney stones.

If you are concerned about the health of your kidneys, do not forget to include these top foods in your diet to promote kidney health.

When suffering from any kidney problem though, make sure you consult your doctor or nutritionist to determine your proper diet depending on your overall health and kidney function.



Good nutrition is extremely important to enjoy healthy hair growth and it is one of the first things that you should work on when suffering from hair loss, excessive hair damage or slow hair growth. Hair is a fast-growing tissue and what you are eating can make a lot of difference on how your hair grows. For healthy hair growth, a variety of nutrients are required such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacin, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Silica, Sulphur and Germanium.

Often people spend a huge amount of money on hair care products to solve the problem of hair loss. But the best way to prevent hair loss and to improve the appearance of your hair is to keep a close eye on what you are eating. There are certain some foods that can help to promote hair growth and solve the problem of hair loss.



1. Spinach

Spinach contains a good amount of nutrients and antioxidants. This green leafy vegetable is a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids that are required for healthy hair growth. The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent superfood for anyone longing for lovely locks. At the same time spinach tastes good and most people like it. You can drink a glass of spinach juice, try spinach soup, make a plate of spinach salad or make a dish with spinach. Along with spinach, you must also eat other green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and Swiss chard to prevent hair loss.

2. Egg

Protein is a primary constituent of hair and hence you need to eat protein based foods such as egg. Egg is a good source of protein, along with biotin and B vitamins, which help in controlling hair loss problem. The protein present in egg is considered high quality protein and is excellent for hair growth and hair strength. It is better to eat both the egg white and yolk, but those who do not like the taste of yolk can eat egg whites only to enjoy proper hair growth. Try to eat one egg daily or every alternate day. You can eat scrambled egg, fried egg or simply boiled egg for healthy hair depending upon how you like it.

3. Beans
Beans are a great low calorie source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and minerals which are essential for hair growth. Beans also contain good amount of iron, which is necessary to prevent hair loss. Your diet plan must include different types of fresh or dried beans to give your hair the much needed nutrients for better hair growth. There are different types of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, soybeans and so on. Beans can be added to salads, casseroles, and side dishes. Beans can also be pureed into dips and spreads.

4. Nuts

Nuts contain a wide variety of protein, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc, healthy fats and phytochemicals that are essential for solving the problem of hair loss as well as dull hair. In fact, regular intake of nuts will keep your hair healthy for years. There are different types of nuts such as almonds, peanuts, walnuts and cashew nuts that you can include in your diet. There is no need to eat huge amount of nuts to enjoy proper hair growth. You can simply eat a handful of soaked nuts or add some in your salad, pasta, or dessert. You can also use nuts as a snack.

5. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain plenty of hair loss preventing nutrients including protein, zinc, selenium, biotin, potassium, copper, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. They are also high in omega-6 fatty acids. When it comes to sunflower seeds there is no need to eat it in excess as too much consumption of sunflower seeds can even lead to hair loss. You can eat a handful of raw sunflower seeds to encourage healthy hair growth. Else you can sprinkle some of the sunflower seeds on salads and steamed vegetables. You can even mix sunflower seeds into anything that you wish to bake.

6. Salmon

Salmon is a kind of fatty fish that is good for your brain, your blood vessels, your skin and also your hair. Salmon is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids that promotes hair growth. It also contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, including B12, and other vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients are essential to enjoy proper hair growth and to solve problems like dry hair, excessive hair loss and so on. To prevent hair loss, it is essential to eat salmon at least twice a week in order to reap the benefits. You can eat grilled salmon, smoked salmon or freshly baked salmon dish at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Apart from salmon, other fatty fish that you can eat to prevent hair loss are herring, sardines, trout and mackerel.

7. Beef

Body needs protein in order to produce quality hair and lean beef is a great way to give your body the protein it needs. Beef contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Beef can be consumed twice or thrice a week for optimal hair growth provided you do not have the problem of high cholesterol level. For better result, try to eat fresh beef instead of the packaged version. You can eat beef in different forms such as soup, salad or as a main dish. If you do not like the taste of beef, then you can opt for other lean meats such as bison, pork and lamb to encourage hair growth.

8. Oat

Oat gives your body a good amount of B vitamins, zinc, protein and copper, which are some of the most important micronutrients for preventing hair loss. It also contains important minerals for hair growth such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium and iron. Your body can be benefited from all these essential ingredients when oat is included in your diet plan. Eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start a day. You can also try snacks made of oats. If you like to include oat in your salad then it is recommended to soak them for several hours to improve its nutritional value.

9. Carrots

Carrots are good for eye sight and can also be used to control hair loss. Carrots contain a good amount of beta-carotene, an important nutrient that promotes healthy hair. Also the Vitamin A present in carrots helps in producing healthy sebum for the scalp. Carrots can be taken in many forms; the best is of course in the form of juice which can be mixed with a pinch of lemon juice to make it taste better. A glass of carrot juice in the morning is a great way to start the day. You can also eat carrot as a fruit, or opt for steamed carrots or a make a healthy carrot soup.


10. Sweet Potatoes

You can easily prevent hair loss problem by regularly consuming sweet potatoes as these are packed with beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes the growth of healthy cells and tissues, including hair and the scalp. At the same time sweet potatoes also contain plenty of vitamin C, copper, iron and protein. You can eat boiled or baked sweet potatoes depending upon how you like it.

To conclude the superfoods listed above are not only bursting with nutrients that help strengthen hair follicles, but these superfoods also help to prevent hair loss. So, next time whenever you suffer from hair loss, just follow a diet rich in these superfoods. This will help to increase your hair growth rate.




Skin is the body’s largest organ. Many people rely on cosmetic products to care for their skin. But rather than chemical-based products, the skin would benefit greatly from proper nourishment. You can nourish your skin from the inside out by eating the right kinds of food.

While genetics and lifestyle habits play a significant role in skin health, by eating the right foods you can easily fight acne, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, protect it from sun damage and enhance your skin’s natural beauty. There are many foods with skin-friendly vitamins that will not only benefit your health but also your skin.


1. Oranges

Oranges are very beneficial for skin. This citrus fruit is extremely high in vitamin C, which is required for producing, maintaining and repairing skin cells. This particular vitamin also helps improve the texture and color of the skin as well as prevent the various signs of early aging.

Plus, the B complex vitamins, including B1 and folate, present in oranges improve blood flow. This means more oxygen and nutrients reach the skin, which is required to maintain a healthy tone. Improved circulation also keeps the skin hydrated, preventing dry skin and flaking.

You can eat oranges as a snack, include some in a mixed fruit salad or drink orange juice.

2. Almonds

To keep your skin looking its best, include almonds in your diet plan. Almonds are one of the best food sources of vitamin E that helps nourish your skin and protect it from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays.

Almonds also contain various antioxidants and anti-aging properties that help reduce wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging. The essential fatty acids present in almonds are known to help reduce swelling and inflammation, thereby helping to treat skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

You can eat whole almonds as a snack or add sliced almonds to salads, cereal, yogurt, or baked goods. However, try to eat almonds in moderation, as they are also high in calories.

You can massage your face, hands and legs regularly with almond oil to enjoy a remarkably glowing and radiant complexion that will surely make you look younger than your age.

3. Avocados

Avocados are considered Mother Nature’s skin moisturizer due to the healthy fats and nutrients present in them. In fact, they act as humectants for your skin and help give it a more youthful quality and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Also, this fruit contains vitamins C, E, K, folic acid, magnesium and potassium, which are all essential for healthy skin. The high amount of vitamin E helps protect the skin from wrinkles and damage caused by sun, smoke, and pollution. Plus, the proteins and healthy fat present in avocados help keep your hair healthy and shiny.

For good skin complexion, rub the pulp of ripe avocado against your skin two to four times a week. You can also try an avocado facial that can be easily prepared at home. Mash some avocado and mix it with a little milk. Apply it to your clean face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lots of water. Plus, do not forget to include this fruit in your diet.

4. Blueberries
When it comes to the best foods for your skin, you simply cannot leave out blueberries. Blueberries are high in vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that helps keep the collagen in your skin healthy. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture studied 40 common fruits and vegetables, and blueberries ranked number one for antioxidant activity.

Plus, these berries are high in anthocyanins and quercetin, which help reduce inflammation and keep your skin evenly toned and radiant.

To prevent signs of premature aging, add half a cup of blueberries to your yogurt or cereal every day. You can even drink a glass of blueberry juice. Other berries like raspberries, blackberries and strawberries also are good for the skin.

5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are extremely good for your skin. They contain a high level of the anti-aging antioxidant known as lycopene, which helps protect the skin from sun damage.

The acidic property in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up acne and other skin blemishes. The vitamin A in tomatoes also helps keep your hair shiny and strong.

You can find many ways to include tomatoes in your diet. Also, you can apply tomato pulp on your skin, leave it on for a minimum of 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this daily to make your skin feel clean and shiny.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks and the best part is that this healthy drink is a storehouse of skin benefits. It contains a great deal of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals to prevent premature aging.

Green tea is highly beneficial in treating different types of skin disorders like acne, pimples, psoriasis, rosacea, wrinkles, and warts. Plus, it is extremely effective in safeguarding the skin against sunburn and tanning when applied locally.

Several studies have also demonstrated that green tea helps combat skin cancer by blocking the cancer-causing harmful enzyme. So, to enjoy healthy and glowing skin as well as a good complexion, try to drink at least two cups of green tea daily.

7. Spinach

This popular leafy green vegetable has immense health benefits. Spinach is also good for your skin being a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and E as well as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.

The high amount of vitamin A present in spinach acts as an antioxidant and helps prevent cell damage and premature aging. Packed with beta-carotene, spinach also helps prevent dry skin and wrinkles and  protects the skin against sunburn and UV damage.

For healthy skin, drink half a glass of spinach juice daily. You can also add spinach to your salad or use it to garnish your dishes.

8. Dark Chocolate

It is true that dark chocolate is good for your skin. The flavonoids present in dark chocolate protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, one of the biggest causes of unhealthy skin. It also helps increase blood flow to the skin and improve the skin’s hydration and complexion.

Plus, the cocoa extract present in dark chocolate helps reduce skin roughness and scaling and inflammatory chemicals that are harmful to the skin.

As dark chocolate contains a lot of calories, eat no more than three ounces daily. You can also add dark chocolate to smoothies or homemade cakes and muffins.

9. Salmon

Salmon is another food that can make your skin healthy and radiant. Being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, this cold water fish is known to nourish the skin by reducing the body’s production of inflammatory substances. This in turn helps clear clogged pores and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking clear and refreshed.

Omega-3 fatty acids also improve circulation, which is crucial to skin health. Salmon also has selenium and zinc. While selenium helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays, zinc stimulates the production of new cells and sloughing of dead skin, which leaves a nice glow.

You can enjoy grilled, baked and cooked salmon to keep your skin glowing with health.

10. Eggs

Eggs are packed with high quality protein, vitamins A, D, E and highly absorbable B-complex vitamins, as well as minerals like iron, copper and selenium that play an important role in skin health. While selenium helps keep the skin free of infections, vitamin A helps in the development of new skin cells and the growth of new tissue required for healing wounds.

The copper present in eggs promotes skin elasticity. Plus, the antioxidants found in eggs protect the skin against the UV damage that can cause fine lines, brown spots, and even cancer.

A serving of two large eggs helps provide sufficient protein to maintain healthy skin as well as hair. You can also use eggs in homemade face masks and conditioners.

To keep your skin healthy and young for years, be sure to incorporate these foods in your diet. Also, maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical exercise, drinking ample amounts of water, sleeping for six to eight hours daily, reducing stress and laughing more. This will slow down the aging process and help you maintain healthy and glowing skin.



Brushing, flossing and other oral health practices are important for preventing cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. But did you know that the types of food you eat also play a key role in whether you have a healthy, beautiful smile?

Parents often tell their kids: “Don’t eat too much candy. You’ll get cavities.” But for optimum dental health, it’s not just about limiting bad foods. You’ll also want to add some superfoods to your diet.

The best foods for your teeth are those that neutralize acids, provide minerals and vitamins to repair tooth enamel, and stimulate saliva. Follow these simple tips to give your pearly whites a boost and avoid extra trips to the dentist.




 1. Milk

Milk is a dairy product that provides calcium and phosphates along with vitamin D, which helps the body make full use of the calcium. All these nutrients are essential for healthy teeth and strong bones.

Drinking milk regularly will strengthen and repair tooth enamel, as well as fortify your bones. If you are allergic to milk or lactose intolerant, you can drink soy milk that is fortified with calcium as an alternative.

2. Cheese

Cheese is an excellent food choice to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Cheese is another saliva-generator. It also contains calcium and phosphates that help neutralize acids in your mouth, and casein that helps fortify your teeth’s surface.

Those who are prone to cavities would do well to eat a small piece of cheese after a meal to prevent decay. You can keep it interesting by choosing different types of cheese such as Romano, Swiss, part-skim ricotta, pasteurized American cheese, provolone, part-skim mozzarella and cheddar cheese.

3. Apple

Eating apples increases saliva in the mouth and prevents cavity buildup by scrubbing your teeth’s surface.

Plus, they are loaded with various vitamins and minerals that aid in overall health. Try eating an apple after your dinner to help clean in between your teeth.

4. Oranges

Oranges are a rich source of calcium, vitamins C and D, and other nutrients that are good for the health of your teeth.

Orange juice will naturally cleanse your mouth by eliminating harmful bacteria and helping prevent tooth decay.

As orange juice is slightly acidic in nature, brush and floss your teeth as recommended after drinking it. You can also mix oranges with other citrus fruits to maintain the health of your teeth.

5. Yogurt

Plain, non-fat yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and a good source of protein. Eating yogurt regularly will support dental health and can be a huge help if you are trying to lose weight.

Bear in mind, for better health you’ll want to choose yogurt that is low in fat and sugars. You can enjoy yogurt as it is, mix in some fresh berries for an extra serving of fruit, or even try a yogurt smoothie.

6. Nuts

Different types of nuts provide essential vitamins and minerals for your teeth. For example, peanuts contain calcium and vitamin D; almonds contain high levels of calcium; cashews help stimulate saliva; and walnuts contain good amounts of fiber, folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, niacin, vitamins E and B6, potassium and zinc that are all good for your teeth.

Teeth enamel may be the hardest substance in the body, but it can be quite brittle so chew those nuts carefully.


7. Tea

Both green and black teas contain compounds called polyphenols that interact with the bacteria that causes plaque. These polyphenols either kill or suppress bacteria, preventing them from growing or producing tooth-attacking acid.

Green and black tea also contain cavity-fighting properties. So, drink one or two cups of green or black tea regularly, and use honey instead of sugar as a sweetener if needed. Choosing green tea will give you many other added health benefits.


8. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa, which contains tannin that helps prevent tooth erosion and decay by combating inflammation of the gums. Cocoa also reduces the growth of plaque and appears to lower acid production.

Dark chocolate can also promote blood circulation in the gums. Chocolate has many antioxidants and disease-fighting phenolic compounds that combat cell damage in the mouth and throughout the body. So enjoy a piece of dark chocolate several times a day.


9. Water

Water is indispensable when it comes to oral health. It is the primary component in saliva, which deposits essential minerals into your teeth. It also washes away small food particles between your teeth, which is important to the health of both your teeth and gums.

Water also keeps your gums well hydrated and helps prevent decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Most tap water also contains fluoride, a mineral that protects against tooth erosion (also found in toothpaste and some mouthwashes).

So to keep your teeth healthy and decay free, always try to drink as much water as you can.

10. Sugarless Gums

Various studies have proven that chewing sugarless gum can help improve dental health. Chewing gum helps clean your teeth by stimulating the production of saliva. Saliva washes away acids produced by bacteria in your mouth, and bathes your teeth in bone-strengthening calcium and phosphate.

Chewing gum also helps scrub your teeth and serves as exercise to strengthen your jaw. So pop in a piece of sugarfree gum after you finish a meal. You can find sugarless gums in numerous flavors to suit your taste buds.

Prevention is the best medicine for your smile. So, eat some of these superfoods to make your teeth stronger and brighter.